The Cecil: The Journey Begins
"The Cecil" is a chilling and suspenseful experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join John and Sarah as they venture to the eerie and mysterious Cecil Hotel for a romantic getaway. However, their dream vacation turns into a nightmare when they fall asleep, and John wakes up locked in a dark cell. As he struggles to find a way out, he realizes that Sarah is missing, and he must find her before it's too late.
First-Person Action: Take on the role of John and experience a spine-chilling battle of terrifying pursuit through dark hallways from a first-person perspective.
Scary and Unusual Foes: Discover what lurks the halls of The Cecil hotel and get up close and personal with creepy monsters and tall metal screamers, leaving you terrified around every corner.
Immersive Gameplay: Fight enemies in shooter-style battles, explore dangerous rooms, and utilize objects in the world to escape your fate as you make your way through the mind-bending halls of The Cecil.
Puzzles and Discoveries: Solve fast-paced puzzles and collect discoveries along the way to help you progress to new areas, as you uncover the details of how things came to be at this mysterious hotel.
First-Person Action: Take on the role of John and experience a spine chilling battle of terrifying pursuit through dark hallways from a first-person perspective.
Immersive Gameplay: Fight enemies in shooter-style battles, explore dangerous rooms, and utilize objects in the world to escape your fate as you make your way through the mind-bending halls of The Cecil.
Gajda Andreea - PR Executive "The Cecil"
Dev Lang Marketing- Marketing agency